һԹ - CO2-based Biofabrication Fri, 27 Dec 2024 17:11:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.5.15 /wp-content/uploads/2019/04/cropped-Logo-һԹ_-32x32.jpg 32 32 166301478 New EU Project ICO₂NIC to Transform Industrial CO₂ Waste into Valuable Feedstock /new-eu-project-ico%e2%82%82nic-to-transform-industrial-co%e2%82%82-waste-into-valuable-feedstock Thu, 19 Dec 2024 16:46:00 +0000 /?p=710 Continue reading New EU Project ICO₂NIC to Transform Industrial CO₂ Waste into Valuable Feedstock]]> With €14 million in funding from the European Union, the ICO2NIC project will drive the development of Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU) technologies by transforming industrial CO2waste into valuable resources, advancing economic sustainability and helping to achieve EU climate targets.

Launching in January 2025, the ICO2NIC strategy will promote CO2capture and electrochemical conversion to transform industrial CO2waste into valuable feedstock. The project aims to capture and valorise waste CO2, making CCU economically viable, and paving the way to substantially reduce global emissions. Through ICO2NIC’s CO2capture and conversion technologies, the project will be able to produce high-value goods and materials, creating opportunities for long-term CO2capture in Europe.

Key aspects the project will focus on include:

  • Capturing and electrochemically converting CO2Գٴformic acid.
  • Բrenewable energyԻinnovative technologiesto reduce CO2emissions and energy consumption.
  • Producing high-value goods and materials while supporting decarbonisation efforts in theEU refinery sector.

The project consortium consists of 11 partners across the CCU value chain: SINTEF, Avantium, Tüpraş, Cool Planet Technologies, һԹ, Procter & Gamble, Idener Research & Development Agrupacion De Interes Economico, Nopalm Ingredients, Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant, TNO, and CO2Value Europe.

Over the next 4 years, һԹ will scale up it´s bioprocess for protein production together with the strong consortium partners and will prove the whole value chain from industrial CO2 emitter up to customers in feed applications.

The team of һԹ is very excited to start the project and to demonstrate it´s technology at scale advancing the technology readiness level (TRL) closer to market implementation.

Find the full press release here.

һԹ featured at The FishSite providing solutions for aquaculture /b-fab-featured-at-the-fishsite-providing-solutions-for-aquaculture Tue, 05 Nov 2024 07:56:04 +0000 /?p=689 һԹ is featured in an article on The FishSite with their story how the company got to the aquaculture industry.

A novel means of converting CO2 into aquafeeds

Check out the article here:

һԹ selected to join prestigious world-leading aquaculture accelerator, CREST by Hatch Blue /b-fab-selected-to-join-prestigious-world-leading-aquaculture-accelerator-crest-by-hatch-blue Tue, 16 Jul 2024 09:37:49 +0000 /?p=669 Continue reading һԹ selected to join prestigious world-leading aquaculture accelerator, CREST by Hatch Blue]]>

Over the next 4 months, һԹ will attend an intensive program in Norway, Singapore and Vietnam to get acquainted with the global aquaculture community, all beginning in Kona, Hawaiʻi.

Hawai´i, 16/07/2024. Next to 8 other start-ups looking to bring their technology into the aquaculture sector, һԹ was selected to be part of the latest group of participants to the CREST accelerator by Hatch Blue. The program kicked-off in Hawaiʻi at the Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi Authority’s HOST Park (Hawaiʻi Ocean Science and Technology) in July and will continue in Norway (Sept.) finishing up in Singapore/ Vietnam (Nov.). The CREST accelerator aims to introduce the start-ups to the aquaculture industry at the most active aquaculture hotspots in the world and elaborate on the individual solutions for the industry. The Hatch team and renowned aquaculture experts will train and advise the cohort members in the most relevant topics and trends of the industry.

һԹ chose the CREST accelerator for it´s world-leading aquaculture expertise and its close relationship to the industry. һԹ´s first product is SusteinTM, a single cell protein made from CO2-based formate, with excellent properties for feed applications in aquaculture. SusteinTM is made from CO2 and renewable electricity using a simple fermentation process and requiring minimal land use (14x less than soy protein). Together with Hatch Blue, һԹ will elaborate on the product solution to address the most pressing challenges of the aquaculture industry.

The accelerator program is built around industry presentations, workshops, mentor sessions and site visits to get in-depth insights of the industry. In addition, the program includes valuable deliverables for the start-ups to foster their business plan and success in the market. Specifically, the start-ups receive: 1. Life Cycle Assessment for the product with Blonk Sustainability, 2. Marketing & Branding Strategy with The Fish Site, 3. Market & Competitor Study with Hatch Innovation Services, and 4. Intellectual Property Strategy with Hatch InnovationServices. At the last stop in Singapore, the program will end with a demo day with pitches to the most relevant aquaculture investors.

“We are more than excited to join the program. For us it is a great chance to get close to the aquaculture industry and learn more about the specific pain points in their operation. The program will provide us with all necessary tools to lift our company to the next level and start the commercialization of our first product SusteinTM.” stated Dr. Frank Kensy, Managing Director & Co-founder of һԹ.

Wayne Murphy, co-founder & partner of Hatch Blue commented, “CREST is delighted to have һԹ on board as we seek to support and develop more creative solutions to the many challenges in the sector, particularly in the feed market. һԹ´s solution is certainly unique and we see a huge potential for һԹ´s protein solution to drive change in the feedstock base of the aquaculture industry and at the same time increasing more sustainable carbon efficient options and in turn relieving the pressure and negative impact on the oceans.“

Download Press Release

Foto: Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaiʻi Authority’s HOST Park – thanks to Hatch Blue for providing the foto.

һԹ – Award Winner of the Tech Tour Growth Sustainability 2023 /b-fab-award-winner-of-the-tech-tour-growth-sustainability-2023 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 17:04:06 +0000 /?p=634 Continue reading һԹ – Award Winner of the Tech Tour Growth Sustainability 2023]]>

We are more than proud to be recognized as Award Winner of the Tech Tour Growth Sustainability 2023 flagship event in the category Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU) in Essen. This is a remarkable award for our technology and our efforts to bring a powerful climate solution to the market.

The award winners were selected by a panel of international investor reviewers who had quite a task on their hands to select the winners from among 100+ nominees, based on pre-defined selection criteria:

  • Management Experience
  • Market Potential
  • Product/Technology merit
  • Go-to Market/Strategy & Competitive position
  • Business Model Clarity/Credibility
  • Company presentation quality

The organization team of Tech Tour congratulated all the companies for their efforts, outstanding pitching performance throughout the program, and distinguished technologies promising innovative tech solutions with real-world social impact.

“The Tech Tour Growth Sustainability 2023 event was an impressive two-days pitching and networking event. It gave deep insights into Europe´s best Start-ups in the sustainability area and plenty of networking opportunities with the most powerful and impactful investors. We are very honoured of receiving this remarkable award that gives us visibility in the market and even better access to investors.” stated Frank Kensy, Managing Director of һԹ after the event.

Please get some impressions of the event:

Fotos by Philipp Behrendt: Instagram: @fotojob_philipp, LinkedIn: Philipp Behrendt

һԹ selected for #1 batch of CIRCULAR ECONOMY ACCELERATOR /b-fab-selected-for-1-batch-of-circular-economy-accelerator Thu, 24 Jun 2021 10:30:31 +0000 /?p=584 Continue reading һԹ selected for #1 batch of CIRCULAR ECONOMY ACCELERATOR]]> We are more than happy to have been selected for the 1st batch of the Circular Economy Accelerator. It is a great and essential initiative to foster circular value chains and start the next industrial revolution in Circular Valley of Wuppertal and NRW.

We are looking forward to the intensive program and conversations with corporates to implement circular technology and saving resources.

Let´s start Change now and together!

More information you find here:

Intro-Video to Circular Valley:
Brief Pitch of һԹ:
Participants of #1 Batch:
Learn more about Circular Valley:
